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​​Subscription Fees 2024/25​​​


All members are required to pay an annual subscription which helps fund the orchestra’s costs.


You should fit in to one of the following four categories:


  1. Pay for the year at £192.00 by October 1st, at the latest;

  2. Pay three installments of £64, by October 1st, January 1st, and March 1st.  (You are expected to set up the 2nd and 3rd payments by standing order to save the Subscriptions Secretary having to chase subs three times);

  3. Students in full time education – free;

  4. Speak in confidence to a member of the WPO finance committee (see below) if you are in a position of financial hardship and cannot afford to pay the full amount.


Our subscription year begins in September. If you join part way through the year, payment can be arranged pro-rata by term (not by concert), by agreement with a member of the WPO finance committee.​​


​​Please fill in a gift aid form with your subscription payment if applicable.


​The preferred method of payment is by online bank transfer. The Orchestra's bank details are:


Account Name: Worthing Philharmonic Orchestra or WPO


Sort Code: 40 52 40


Account Number: 00028405


You can also pay by cash or cheque, should you wish.


Once you've paid you will need to let Sarah Bridgland (WPO Membership Secretary — know the following:

  • That you've paid the full amount of £192

  • or you have set up a standing order for three separate payments of £64 (one for October 1st or earlier, one in early January, and one in early March).


​WPO Finance Committee 2024/25


Ben Caswell (WPO Treasurer)

David Holmes (WPO Chairman)

Christopher Dack (WPO Friends Secretary)


Worthing Philharmonic Orchestra

High quality music making since 1948

Worthing Assembly Hall, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing, BN11 1HQ

Registered Office: 2 St. Wilfred's Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 8BA

Incorporated in England and Wales: Company Number 3417001 | Registered Charity Number: 1064019

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